Life, yoga and other adventures

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Tuesday 3 April 2018

Who is the most important person in your life?

I caught the tail-end of Book of the Week on Radio 4 this morning: Factfulness by Professor Hans Rosling, read by Adrian Rawlins. I only heard a couple of sentences, but the gist was that too often we spend our time focusing on things we fear, rather than on what is actually dangerous: and that is a waste of energy. On this alone, I'm minded to seek out the book and read the whole thing. I thought it chimed nicely with our recent yoga focus on being brave.

This week, we're moving our attention to self care. It's a bit corny, but nonetheless true, to say you can't pour from an empty vessel, but you need to take care of yourself in order to care for others. Of all relationships, the one you have with yourself is the most important, because it colours everything that you think and say and do.

I'm just going to leave that with you.

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