Life, yoga and other adventures

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Tuesday, 19 December 2017

What not to say to a yoga teacher

You can't be ill: you're a yoga teacher!'

Yes, I've failed, haven't I? I've succumbed to a cold, notwithstanding that over the last couple of weeks in my classes we've been focusing on getting the inner fire going and boosting the immune system. How stupid do I feel!

I've done all the self-help stuff: bowls of steam, neti pot, Lion Breath, but it's no good: I've had to reach for the Beechams. Goodness knows what's in those little magic pills (actually it's paracetamol, phenylephrine and caffeine), but they start to take effect within 20 minutes. Marvellous.

Other things not to say to a yoga teacher include:
  • 'I didn't know you drank beer.'
  • 'Aren't you vegan?'
  • 'Fancy you liking rock music.'
Yogis are people, too.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

On FaceAche today I saw this piece of advice from a yogi: 'Give your food cupboards a pre-Christmas clearout.' Nothing contentious there; but she followed it up with: 'If you've seen an advert for it, you could probably do without it.' I'm not sure I understand that. Is she saying you shouldn't consume anything you've seen advertised? That's unrealistic, surely?

Mind you, it's very easy to get caught up with the whole food promotion game, especially at this time of year. For instance, when did it become the norm to drink Prosecco on a day-to-day basis? You've got to hand it to the marketing bods: they know what they're doing. On the other hand, we used to buy Mateus Rose in the same way (ask your parents) and that went from must-have to wouldn't-be-seen-dead-drinking-it in the blink of an eye.

I mention Prosecco not because I'm a big fan of it, but because as I was cruising the supermarket aisles this morning, I caught myself thinking: 'Oh, mustn't forget the fizzy wine for Christmas morning.' Curious, because I don't drink fizzy wine as a matter of course and I don't drink alcohol for breakfast, not even on special occasions.

I've been seduced, haven't I? Time for some deep breathing and meditation to bring back my focus.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Effortless exchange

The title above is taken from the latest newsletter of the Prison Phoenix Trust. Have you heard of this organisation? It encourages prisoners in the development of their spiritual welfare, through the practices of meditation and yoga, working with silence and the breath.Yes, that's right: it takes yoga into prisons. Isn't that amazing?

I don't have what it takes to do this, but I do support the charity in others ways, including buying its Christmas card, which is always designed by a prisoner. I also receive its regular newsletter and always find it inspiring. In the latest issue, the feature 'Effortless Exchange' begins by posing the question 'What would you really like this Christmas?, which must be a tough one when you're locked up.

The article goes on to explore the effortless exchange that takes place every time we breathe in and breath out, a process that offers us all the chance to offer silent gratitude.

If you'd like to know more about the charity, visit its website: