Last night I taught a Wednesday evening yoga class for the last time.
My other classes will carry on, but from next week this one will be in
the capable hands of Claire.
I've been with this group
for about seven years, which hardly seems possible. We've shared some
good times. For instance, there was that memorable night in June when
the council folk turned up at the school to set up for polling day and I
forcibly evicted them for being noisy. Just because we're tranquil
(ahem) doesn't mean you can push us around. Even last night, there was a
funny moment when proceedings ground to a halt while a visiting spider
was evicted, with considerably more care than the polling people, I
might add.
Over the years, we've had news of new babies,
weddings and other celebrations; and also some bereavements and other
upsets. Through it all, my yogis have been loyal and turned up rain or
shine to do some bending and stretching, some mindful breathing and some
lying down.
I'm giving up this class to make space for
other things, and it will free up quite a bit of time. It's not just the
90 minutes of the class itself, but also the half-hour either side for
travelling and on-site admin: plus, of course the behind-scenes planning
and follow-up paperwork. Perhaps I'll finally get round to writing that
next yoga book. Watch this space.